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You’ll want to add HTTPS support to your BigBlueButton server for increased security. Also, as of Chrome 47, Chrome users will be unable to share their microphone via WebRTC unless BigBlueButton is loaded via HTTPS.
In order to obtain a valid SSL certificate for your server, you must configure the server to use a domain name that you own or control.
For the purposes of documentation, we will be using the domain name “example.com”, with a BigBlueButton server hosted at “bigbluebutton.example.com”.
Please run the commands as root.
Once you have a domain name and have configured it with a DNS host, add an A record pointing to your server. You can then use the to configure BigBlueButton to use that domain name, for example:
bbb-conf --setip bigbluebutton.example.com
In order to serve BigBlueButton over HTTPS, you need to have a valid SSL certificate. A domain validated (sometimes called “class 1”) certificate with a 2048 bit RSA key and SHA-256 checksum is the current recommended minimum, and it should be sufficient.
There are a number of providers that you could obtain a certificate from. Many domain name sales companies also offer certificates.
Some well known large providers of SSL certificates include Comodo, Symantec, GoDaddy, GlobalSign, and DigiCert. In addition, free SSL certificates are available from StartSSL and CACert, with some caveats: StartSSL certificates can’t be revoked without paying a service fee, and most people do not have the root for CACert installed in their web browser.
Each provider will give you a series of steps for generating the certificate, but they will normally include generating a private key and certificate request locally, sending the certificate request to be signed, and then receiving back the signed certificate after they have performed any required verification steps.
To install the certificate in BigBlueButton, you will need to have files for the certificate, private key, and any intermediate certificates in PEM format.
Depending on your CA, you should now have 2 or more files, as follows:
The next step is to install the files on the server.
Create the directory /etc/nginx/ssl:
mkdir /etc/nginx/ssl
And now create the private key file for nginx to use (replace the hostname in the filename with your own). In addition, fix the permissions so that only root can read the private key:
cat >/etc/nginx/ssl/bigbluebutton.example.com.key <<'END'Paste the contents of your key file hereENDchmod 0600 /etc/nginx/ssl/bigbluebutton.example.com.key
And the certificate file. Note that nginx needs your server certificate and the list of intermediate certificates together in one file (replace the hostname in the filename with your own):
cat >/etc/nginx/ssl/bigbluebutton.example.com.crt <<'END'Paste (in order) the contents of the following files: 1. The signed certificate from the CA 2. In order, each intermediate certificate provided by the CA (but do not include the root).END
In addition, we’ll generate a set of 2048-bit diffie-hellman parameters to improve security for some types of ciphers. This step can take several minutes to complete, particularly if run on a virtual machine.
openssl dhparam -out /etc/nginx/ssl/dhp-2048.pem 2048
Now we can edit the nginx configuration to use SSL. Edit the file /etc/nginx/sites-available/bigbluebutton
to add the marked lines. Ensure that you’re using the correct filenames to match the certificate and key files you created above.
/etc/nginx/ssl/dhp-2048.pem; [...]
For reference, note that the SSL settings used above are based on those proposed in and provide support for all modern browsers (including IE8, but not IE6, on Windows XP). Please note that recommended SSL settings are subject to change as new vulnerabilities are found.
In order to ensure you didn’t make any mistakes that could cause security compromises, please test your HTTPS configuration. A well-respected site that can do a series of automated tests is - simply enter your server’s hostname, optionally check the “Do not show results” checkbox if you would like to keep it private, then Submit.
At time of writing, the configuration shown on this page should achieve an “A” ranking in the SSL Labs test page.